UPDATED: The Fraus’ Favorites Cookbook, 1953

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, cover

This handmade cookbook, from the University Archives collection AR 2012-22, offers a glimpse into UCSF student life 60 years ago. Compiled by the spouses of students in the School of Medicine class of 1953, it includes recipes for main dishes, salads, dressing, desserts, and “specials.”

Table of Contents

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, Table of Contents

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, Table of Contents continued






Need new casserole recipes? Eggplant is season! And, some would argue that pork chops never go out of season…

Page 5

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, page 5

Curious about other recipes? Always wanted to make a Tomato Mayonnaise Ring? Click on the Table of Contents images above to view them in a larger, more readable size. Then just leave a comment below and let us know what you’d like to see! Perhaps we’ll post it.

UPDATE: We received requests for two recipes (via the comments section and Facebook). Ladies and gentlemen, Radio Hash Casserole and Beef Stroganoff!

The Fraus' Favorites, 1953, Radio Hash Casserole, page 7

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, Radio Hash Casserole, page 7

The Fraus' Favorites, 1953, Beef Stroganoff, page 9

The Fraus’ Favorites, 1953, Beef Stroganoff, page 9

2 thoughts on “UPDATED: The Fraus’ Favorites Cookbook, 1953

  1. Fun to look at the recipes. I was in medical school then (At Stanford not UCSD) but all the recipes look exactly like the things we made then. I’d like to see Beef Strogonoff. Sally

  2. Sally, take a look at the post again– we’ve updated it to include Beef Stroganoff. If you make the recipe be sure to let us know how it turns out!

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